From the Sunflower Alliance website:
The Sunflower Alliance is committed to environmental justice and the health and safety of all Bay Area communities threatened by toxic pollution and climate change. We are fighting against the poisoning of our communities and the destruction of our planet, and for an equitable and sustainable economy fueled by renewable energy sources—wind, water and solar.
We seek an end to the ruinous extractive economy and its replacement with a life-sustaining system that meets people’s real needs and nurtures the planet we live on.
On August 3rd, 2013, to mark the first anniversary of the 2012 explosion and fire that sent thousands of Chevron’s neighbors to local hospitals, 3,000 supporters marched on the Chevron refinery in Richmond, California. Over 200 of us were arrested at the refinery gates. Now we are engaged in a broader effort to halt Big Oil’s plans to expand the refining of dirty oil in the East Bay and the transport of dirty and dangerous fossil fuels through our communities.
Through years of allied efforts with 350 Bay Area, we have engaged in campaigns for Fossil Fuel Resistance and a Just Transition away from a fossil fuel-based economy, for workers and communities alike. We provide the backbone for networks such as Protect the Bay, the Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force, the BAAQMD Network (Bay Area Air Quality Management District), No Coal in Richmond, and many other Bay Area campaigns against fossil fuel expansion and environmental injustice.